Spirited Communication

Sliding into home–with their cars

When I and my fellow employees in Libertyville, Ill. heard yesterday that our Portland office was closing because of a (in our estimation) light dusting of snow and icy rain, we shook our heads. “Let them come to the Chicago area and see what winter is really all about,” I thought.

Then I saw this video from Portland’s news source, nwcn.com and King5.com. (The link takes you to the home page, where you should see a sidebar for a video with the caption,’Amazing home video of icy collisions in Portland.’ Click that video link.)

The saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” rings true in this case. After watching the videoclip, no one at my office questioned the decision to close the Portland office!


  1. Tom Keefe

    Welcome to the conversation, Mike! I’m looking forward to checking out your blog, and hope that we can both contribute to the communications profession. And speaking of “gurlimen,” how about those Colts? GO BEARS!

  2. Mike Klein

    Hi Tom…

    As a Chicagoan living in Washington, DC, I can empathize with your initial thoughts about non-Chicagoans being “gurlimen” about matters climatic.

    I like the name of your blog–I’ve launched my own, CommsOffensive325 (http://CommsOffensive325.blogharbor.com) which aims to spit-roast come of the sacred cows in the industry… Would be delighted to trade a link with you.


    Mike Klein

  3. Tom Keefe

    Donna, I hope that Toronto is like Chicago, where city crews salt and plow. The problem in Portland is that they don’t have salt–they use sand–and people don’t know how to react to these conditions.

    On a cheerier note, I’m working on my first podcast, and trying to get an opening song from Podsafe, edit the conversation I had with Steve Crescenzo on Wednesday, and get the show posted onto my new Libsyn site. So much to put into place! I really thank you for the tips you have provided on your podcast.

  4. donna Papacosta

    YIKES! That is scary stuff. I have just emailed the link to my daughters, both of whom are learning to drive here in the Toronto area, where we had an ice storm on Monday.

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