That takeoff of a past advertising slogan described my situation (and mental state) aboard US Airways Flight 1609, headed toward Washington, DC.
I held a PC with more computing power than the units that helped put a man onto the Moon–but was totally frustrated by the time needed to boot up, pass all security checks and then wait for an endless number of applications to load.
We always tell people to “keep it simple.” I see a discussion coming with IT staffs everywhere.
The way that we have to dummy down and slow down technology in the name of security or software product features can be frustrating. It’s one unfortunate price that we pay because we live in a world where highly intelligent people spend their time trying to find ways to screw up other peoples’ networks and devices–or steal their confidential information for financial gain.
The first of my sign-in hurdles was the company laptop encryption security log-in screen. The purpose of this screen is to prevent unauthorized users from using the laptop. Great concept, except that the Technical Services Center was so tired of fielding calls from frantic users who lost the login id and password, that they’ve taped both to the laptop. That’s like me telling a burglar not to enter my home, but leaving the front-door key in the lock. I am interested in the security set-up for our Internet Cafe and WIFI hotspot.
Anyway, I entered the encryption key and had to wait for the next security check to load: the Windows log-in security screen. After another short boot-up wait, I was able to enter my company network and password, and then wait longer for my “personalized settings” to load. I wanted to check saved email off-line, but discovered that this laptop isn’t configured to allow that. I heard a voice (I think it was the person sitting next to me) say, “Forget about it. Keep it simple and relax.”
It will be extremely difficult to relax during the next few days. We have a terrific conference about to launch, and I am excited about providing commentary and feedback regarding experiences of people around me.
I’ll be more relaxed and ready to write after I finish the accreditation exam tomorrow morning. I already have a restaurant recommendation for people looking for a moderately priced “where the townies eat” experience. And it’s just a short walk from the Hyatt.
[ Technorati tag: iabc-international-conference-2005 ]